Authorise Xero
Consent notice

Please read and accept the Consent notice before authorising the connection with Xero.

Consent notice

Modulr (“we” “our”) will access the following information stored on your Xero account for the purpose of processing payments of your selected bills and reconciling your account (where relevant):

Categories of Data Accessed

Business details
Including your business name, business address and contact details

Invoice details
Including contacts and amount due

Payment details
Including account numbers and sort codes

Employee details
Including payroll details

Accounting data 
Including your bank transaction data

You will not be charged for this connection, but Xero may receive a fee from us for facilitating it. 

By continuing with this process, you are consenting to the payment of such fee. 

If you successfully connect your Modulr account with your Xero account, we will have access to the above data for the duration that you have an account with us, unless you revoke our access through your Xero account.

Your credentials are encrypted and we will never store your password.

If you agree, we will share records of your Modulr account with Xero. 

Any information shared with Xero will be retained in your Xero account and treated in accordance with Xero’s standard terms of use.